Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Program Beasiswa Unggulan S1, S2, S3 Depdiknas 2007-2008

Program Beasiswa Unggulan Program beasiswa dalam skala nasional (Beasiswa Unggulan Reguler) dan internasional (Beasiswa Atdikbud RI di luar negeri) yang dikembangkan dalam rangka menyiapkan insan Indonesia yang cerdas dan kompetitif sesuai dengan visi pendidikan nasional. Dengan adanya program beasiswa unggulan, diharapkan di akhir program akan muncul critical mass dan bangsa Indonesia yang berdaya saing tinggi di masa yang akan datang. Program Beasiswa Unggulan menawarkan beasiswa ber-degree seperti program untuk jenjang D4/S1, S2, dan S3. Dan beasiswa non-degree seperti program Beasiswa Peneliti, Penulis, Pencipta, Seniman, Wartawan, Olahragawan, dan Tokoh.

Sasaran Program Beasiswa Unggulan Beasiswa unggulan diberikan kepada mereka yang memiliki prestasi sebagai berikut:

Lulusan terbaik SMA/MA?SMK/Ponpes/PT yang diusulkan oleh Pemda (Propinsi/Kabupaten/Kota), masyarakat (LSM), dan industri
Lulusan cum-laude dari Perguruan Tinggi/Sekolah Tinggi/Akademi
Pemenang Lomba Iptek/Lomba Karya Ilmiah Remaja/MIPA Tingkat nasional
Pemenang Lomba LKS (Lomba Kompetensi Siswa) Tingkat nasional
Pemenang Olimpiade Sains/Teknologi Tingkat Nasional
Pemenang Lomba Bidang Olahraga Tingkat Nasional
Pemenang Lomba Bidang Seni Tingkat Nasional
Pemenang Lomba Bidang Bahasa Tingkat Nasional
Para aktivis mahasiswa (pengurus UKM, BEM, Senat, HMI)
Staf Pemda dan Staf Diknas dari unit-unit utama serta jajarannya

Persyaratan Program Beasiswa Unggulan :

Surat pernyataan dari instansi bahwa peserta akan diberdayakan di instansi tersebut setelah selesai masa pendidikan selama minimal 2n+1 (format baku)
Surat rekomendasi dari instansi asal untuk mengikuti Program Beasiswa Unggulan
Letter of acceptance untuk twinning/sandwich program dari PT di luar negeri
Letter of acceptance dari PT di dalam negeri khusus S3
Formulir pendaftaran Program Beasiswa Unggulan dilengkapi pasfoto berwarna terbaru 3x4 (2 lembar)
Proposal rencana usulan tugas akhir/tesis/disertasi
Ijazah dan transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir yang telah dilegalisasi
Memiliki kemampuan bahasa asing (sertifikat TOEFL, IELTS atau TOEIC) dan sertifikat penghargaan lainnya
Usia pendaftaran untuk D4/S1 tidak lebih dari 21 tahunUsia pendaftaran untuk S2 tidak lebih dari 35 tahunUsia pendaftaran untuk S3 tidak lebih dari 45 tahun


Biro Perencanaan dan Kerjasama Luar NegeriDepartemen Pendidikan NasionalJL. Jenderal Sudirman Gedung C lantai 6 Senayan-Jakarta, Indonesia 10270
Telp: 021-57852458
Fax: 021-5738181

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Australian Scholarships

Australian Scholarships is an initiative of the Australian Government to promote sustainable development and excellence in education in the Asia-Pacific region. Australian Scholarships will provide educational, research and professional development opportunities to support growth in the region and to build enduring links at the individual, institutional and country levels.

Existing and new awards programs, managed by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) are combined under the one umbrella of Australian Scholarships. These awards are:

Australian Development Scholarships (ADS)
managed by AusAID, strengthen human resource capacity in Australia's partner countries to contribute to long-term development needs and promote greater stability within the Asia-Pacific region.

Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) a regional program managed by AusAID, aims to develop leadership, build partnerships and links, and address priority issues in the Asia-Pacific region. Australian Leadership Awards comprises:
ALA - Scholarships
ALA - Fellowships

Endeavour program managed by DEST focuses on strengthening education linkages, skills and knowledge throughout the Asia-Pacific region, while showcasing Australia's excellence in education, science and training.

Further info :

Cambridge Scholarship

In October 2000, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of Seattle, Washington, USA announced a donation to the University of Cambridge of $210 million to establish the Gates Cambridge Trust.This benefaction creates in perpetuity an international scholarship programme to enable outstanding graduate students from outside the United Kingdom to study at the University of Cambridge. The Trustees are required to award scholarships on the basis of a person's intellectual ability, leadership capacity and desire to use their knowledge to contribute to society throughout the world by providing service to their communities and applying their talents and knowledge to improve the lives of others.

About the scholarships The Trust expects there to be of the order of 230 Gates Cambridge Scholars studying at the University at any one time. Although there may be variation in the actual number of awards made each year, the Trust seeks to elect approximately 100 new scholars annually.

In selecting Gates Cambridge Scholars, the Trust looks for students of exceptional academic achievement and scholarly promise for whom advanced study at Cambridge would be particularly appropriate. The Trust expects a good match to be made between the applicant's qualifications and aspirations and what Cambridge has to offer. Successful applicants will have the ability to make a significant contribution to their discipline while in Cambridge, with a strong aptitude for research, analysis and a creative approach to defining and solving problems.

Over time, Gates Cambridge Scholars will form an integral and dynamic part of the University's influential international alumni network, bringing vision and new ideas to improving the lives of citizens throughout the world. Cambridge alumni take the lead in applying knowledge and skill to major problems in every walk of life: Gates Cambridge Scholars are thus expected to use their education for the benefit of others and to improve the common weal.

further info :

Panasonic Scholarsip

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. was founded in 1918 when Konosuke Matsushita made and marketed an improved attachment plug. Since its foundation Matsushita Electric has endeavored to fulfill its corporate mission of contributing to the progress and development of society and well-being of people all over the world.
In commemoration of its 80th anniversary in 1998, Matsushita Electric decided to launch Panasonic Scholarship Program for privately-financed students from Asian countries to pursue mater’s course in Japan.
We hope this scholarship will provide them with a good oppurtunity to do research at graduate schools and enable them to contribute to the development of their countries and to promote friendship between Asian countries and Japan in the 21st Century

Privately-financed students from Asian countries who are university graduates under 30 years of age and wish to enter master’s courses of natural science and engineering area except Medical Science, Pharmacology and Dentistry at graduate schools in Japan.

Overseas Application SystemSubsidiaries of Matsushita Electric in the following countries and areas invite applicants to apply for this program.CHINA, MALAYSIA, TAIWAN, INDONESIA, THE PHILIPPINES, THAILAND, and VIETNAM

OF PANASONIC SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMPanasonic Scholarship will be provided for max. three years including max. one year of Japanese language training and study as research student and max. two years for master’s program.

language training and study as research student
1. Monthly Scholarship : ¥ 150.000 per month
2. Arrival Allowance : max. ¥ 200.000 will be paid before and/ or after arrival in Japan
3. Tuition Fee Assistance : ¥ 250.000 will be paid in each semesterThe actual amount will be paid in case the tuition fee is less than ¥ 500.000/ year.

Master’s course at graduate school
1. Monthly Scholarship : ¥ 180.000 per month
2. Matriculation Fee Assistance : ¥ 200.000 will be paid in the first year of master’s course
3. Tuition Fee Assistance : ¥ 250.000 will be paid in each semesterThe actual amount of matriculation and tuition fee will be be paid to the students whose fees are less than the above amount.

The contents of the program are subject to change without prior notice.Panasonic Scholarship for Indonesian Students